* Freedom Red, SONS, Team 11 and Rock all in the Meltdown A Division this weekend.

- Freedom plays Rock, SONS play Team 11

* NXT, Rough Riders, Rosetree, Fusion in the B Division of Meltdown

- Rosetree plays RR, NXT plays Fusion

* Big 4 HHH and Mesa at the Big 4 HHH Champions - No head to head (except potentially in brackets)

* Black Bear, Blak Widow, Buck's Select, NEPA Pirates playing Lehigh Laxfest

- Black Bear playing Black Widow

* Shockwave, Team Money and Headstrong at Mid-Atlantic Classic

- They each play one another.

Past Results (Games between PA teams)

Zeus beat: Freedom White 12-0, NXT 8-1, Blak Widow 12-0
NXT beat: Freedom White 9-3, Lost to: Zeus 1-8, Poseidon 3-4
Freedom White lost to: Zeus 0-12, Highlanders 3-4, NXT 3-9
Poseidon beat: NXT 4-3, Blak Widow 9-3, Highlanders 9-5
Highlanders beat: Freedom White 4-3, Blak Widow 5-3, Lost to: Poseidon 5-9
Blak Widow lost to: Highlander 3-5, Poseidon 3-9, Zeus 0-12

Anyone know if BL is playing this weekend or where Uprising is/has played.