Originally Posted by Anonymous
Going through this with my third son...

If we are still talking 2024 kids, what you guys see as their game being "compromised" is actually great for their game. Having "to do more" is very beneficial this young. Adversity is GREAT to help them develop.

Listen I bet every person here that is serious enough to complain about the level of play during PAL can list their sons weaknesses right now. Ask them to work on that stuff during PAL practices and games

PAL is cheap and so long as you can fit it in with your travel schedule is extra practice. Playing with their school friends I'm sure they enjoy.

From a dad who has done it, be careful bailing on PAL. I regretted it later

What I meant by doing "too much" was that on defense, they are sliding to pick up where the player that should have didn't and now not only is the original player who should have slid in no mans land, the compensating player has left his guy, and this snowballs when you have half of the defense that just doesn't "play". You can't have more than one player covering for another. On O, instead of moving the ball since other players neither pop out or want/can catch a pass, they boys are stuck trying to dodge through double and triple teams = lost possession and zero shots. Middle to better teams see the lack of other threats and pounce on the few that can play - they can go for doubles and triples with very little risk.