Oh Yeah! Elitest crooks! Love how they spend all the money they extort from families on the promise that they're growing the game.

1. They spend all the money they receive from donations, etc on their elite politically connected buddies. For example, Kylie Ohmiller was cut from team USA in favor of Kelly Rabil, who hasn't done [lacrosse] in years but knows Paul Rabil, give me a break. If someone's sucks, they should be cut.

2. They shower the politically connected with free flights hotel, equipment, meals, etc. How about use the money to sponsor FREE clinics to grow the sport.

3. Enforce some rules that matter. You know you can enforce age-based restrictions by implementing a birth certificate based card like soccer and baseball. Why do you refuse???

Fatheads are too busy designing their headquarters and funding cocktail parties,

Wake up people, this is what you are donating to.

STOP giving them money!