Originally Posted by Anonymous
This is my first post, I have been reading the forums for a couple day now and am kind of surprised. All of this takes away from the game, boys and girls there daddy or mommy on a computer talking trash about each other kids and their team. I though only New [lacrosse] parent acted like this. I'm not a person to give everyone a trophy but I'm not a person that call kids playing a sport worthless, and you may not have directly but basically some one here did. And not a big fan of M&D parents on the side line, but every team has a parent or two that go over the edge some time, I myself know I have. My daughter let me know that it's not cool when I do, mostly at bad calls by refers. This game is a small community and pretty soon your daughters or sons are not going to be known for how he/she plays but for how bad their parents actions on the side line are. Like the reputation of M&D parents, I know many of them, very nice people but over the years people aren't just taking about how good M&D is but how bad the parents are. And I use M&D as an example because they seem to be the target right now. I like when my daughter plays them, they have a team that is fun to watch. If you're up 15-5 you shouldn't be saying anything at all. It's not a everyone get a trophy thing is a respect thing for the sport and others. And respect to the team that just took the 15-5 loss and still didn’t quit. Kids see your actions and would you like your kids treating other kids like this, that's up to you guys as a parent. Look forward to see you at the field

Very well said. And I will add, your daughters read this forum. If you think they don't, your are sorely mistaken. They talk about this forum among their friends and teammates. They wonder which post was made by their mom or dad. They wonder if they are the one being trashed and talked about. How do I know? Because my daughter told me so. She told me the conversations she and her teammates have. She told me how they pull this forum up on their phones during the school day to see what has been said about them. She told me girls Snapchat screenshots of posts to friends on other teams. She has told me how, even though names are not used, they can figure out easily which player/coach/parent is getting trashed. And the question they ask is why do moms and dads act like this. Well done parents. You have shown your maturity levels are much lower than your daughters. Even your DAUGHTER shakes her head at your behavior.

Go ahead parents, respond to this with some witty "well if your daughter didn't suck so bad, we wouldn't talk about her.", or something similar. Make fun of this post and tell me if I don't like it, don't read it. Prove me right. Prove your DAUGHTER right. Keep embarrassing her, your 13yr old daughter.