Is it me but when did the Outlaws become the lightning rod of 2022 lacrosse when you have 40 express players, 9d1 experiment, igloo retooling,TZ and leg-acy trying top be an elite team and the rest of these teams trying to say they are A division teams.

The definition of an A team is a team that goes to all tournaments and enters the A division with the intent to play any club. If you enter into a B division at ANY tournament you are a B team. That would include the empire's, hitmen, legacy, ducks, bluefish, recon, etc. Don't tell me your an A team when you don't play in the A division of tournaments.

Outlaws has a dad should go to another team and move on. We are tired of PB references and how awful it is there. Everyone can say the same crap. There are plenty of teams if you swallow your pride.May be the right thing for your kid.

Express needs to cut players or the last 15 players should be looking elsewhere. having a roster at 40 is ridiculous when the average game is 40 minutes.

Anyone see 9d1 lately?