Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

it is also a very small fractional reward for such a life imbalance all the way through childhood.

This sentences sums it up so perfectly. Sports clubs, tournaments, coaches, and parents have turned kids' lives upside down and around chasing a scholarship and sometimes now even that- just a chance to play at a school. These kids lives have become unbalanced and there is sure to be consequences in the end. It almost makes me think of children tv/movie stars... what happens when it's over or does not pan out? Will it be worth the craziness these kids have been put through?
so sick of all you jealous people. Then shut up and guide your kid in another direction, Don;t want or need your advice.

Very similar to some of the "articles" on how the kids reacted to those over involved parents. I get the crazies are out there but no child ever wrote these aritlcles or papers on how mom or dad ruined their life by pushing them to do my best on and off the field. What, by being brutally honest at times, that hey you want to play you have to work harder, what youre giving isnt enough effort.

You want to have fun okay great but you can do that without me paying thousands of dollars. You wanted to try out and be on a top team well sweetie or buddy boy you constantly need to prove yourself and get better.

You want to be on a HS team amd play, then you need to work at it, you want to play college you need to work at it and sacrifice. It's not easy and it doesn't just happen. In fact it may never happen.

But at the end of the day, the buck stops here and no-one can tell me what to do with or for my kid.

Just as i cant stop him from having fun when he wants to and it is appropriate.