Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Very well said. Some of you lose sight of the fact that these are kids and it's just a game.

But because of bad coaching on most levels (including club) tons of kids are left behind because coaches allow that end to end BS. #passtheball

Sorry but basic skills r not developed from game play. I agree girls should pass more and play more as a team than individuals, but the end to end stuff is not why your daughter, or anyone else's, doesn't have strong enough skills. They r left behind because they don't work at it as hard as other girls, don't have the natural ability, or both. It's ok, it isn't for everybody, but lets be realistic please.
I'm sure you think you're right, but you sound like you're lucky enough to have a very athletic daughter, congratulations. But I would bet my bottom dollar you did not play yourself. I bet you never had a catch with your kid, or drove her to a wall to practice on. Some of these girls could progress if they had a coach that put some time in on them, but in most P.A.L. cases it's a parent coaches only focusing on his daughter and her friends, and the rest are left alone to wither. Most kids, not all but most, could develop with a good coach