Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
its easier to place blame on someone than take ownership. Your mad that you didn't approach the coach or get your child extra training. So it's everybody else's fault. Get off your [lacrosse] and be proactive. Help you child become better. Don't attack the coach and parents that took the appropriate steps to improve their child's skills. That's on you buddy. It's blatantly obvious that your jealous. No other reason to attack someone's character. What's worse is your teaching your child that instead of working harder for something they want, it's easier to stomp your feet and scream bias. Grow up, put your big boy pants on and show your child that hard work pays off.

They can't do that. Thats why their kid is second best, it's because the parent is second best. The parent doesn't put forth extra effort so the kid doesn't know to do it either. And the circle of fail continues ...

You really are an idiot. Clearly, you're the parent that is buying playing time. Congrats.