Most competitive and professional athletes peak between the ages of 26-28, hence the closer you are to that "age" the closer you are to your peak. Logic dictates that the holdback has an advantage all the way through, although that gat becomes smaller in a relative sense as players get older. (Simplified...If you are 13 playing against 12 year olds= 12/13, as a 26 year old vs 25= 25/26 the advantage is less, draw the pie diagrm if you don't see it). It does make a difference over a protracted period of time.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
THe holding back strategy only works in a small window of time; when the holdback has a physical advantage over his younger competition. This ends once the younger kids catch up physically. So, if it hasn't benefitted the player in the year he stays back, you probably wasted time and money.

Just my observation.

Your theory is ok except for the IQ advantage and stick skills. Most freshman/sophomores are clueless. It helps having a hold back.