Lol! Hysterical. Felt this way for the last few yrs and just having a conversation about it with someone. It is getting worse.

Parents in many cases have ruined youth sports. While it is expeced that back in the day if a parent even went to a game (mine hardly never did and [lacrosse] they hardly even knew where i was. Cmon old timers we all know how it was back in the day) and if there was some tension it would typically be from a loud mouth ego crazy dad. No disrespect as I love all the moms who commit their time but moms today have definitely been more involved. I saw a mom back in fhe fall arguing with a ref about the rules of a face off and a violation. I almost fell off the bleaches as she had no clue what she was talking about.

My wife and I talk about it and both agree. In all honestly there is nothing worse in youth sports than a crazy and overly involved mom on the sidelines. And approaching coaches. Yes you are ruining the game. If you are cray cray than stay home! Please let us crazy involved dads handle it!!!!