Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hey buddy remember that comment .north is becoming top program . North 18 and 19 are top teams in country This team will be as well. Wait and watch .that north team had a 2nd grader and 3 third graders. The older teams started same way and had losers like u who can't see over their stomachs say the same thing . Go look at your wife and be depressed more u loser. Oh as your thinking about how much of a loser you are right at this second, take a look at the north teams look at how many players they have placed in schools in their 18 team. Guarantee u never played past 6 th grade in anything . Go get a third mortgage

You,be got a lot of work to do buddy! Right now your sons team is a solid B-.

Better take some of that lax scholarship money you are counting on ($2,500/yr lol) and get him in a clinic. Or better yet a tutor because right now there are no scholarships coming your boys way.