Originally Posted by Anonymous
When kids reclass or just plain play down, it does become other people's business because many feel it is a sleazy thing to do.it may affect kids doing the morally right thing by taking roster spots, increasing the chance of injury, etc. This is probably why New Jersey has introduced legislation to discourage this practice by imposing eligibility restrictions on those who chose to do this. Hope other states follow the lead.

Here's where you're right, playing down is cheating. For example TLI typically plays players down, as a further example at 175 this past summer, their 2018 players played against our true 2019 team in the 2019 bracket as a 2019 team, that's cheating. However you are wrong, reclassing a player, which is a decision a parent makes, is not cheating, it is allowed and not a violation.
If you sincerely feel it is unfair, your incessant attacking of children will not change things. Be an activist, lobby for change in a forum that matters, and stop complaining about how it isn't fair to reclass.