Originally Posted by Anonymous
Here's a narative for the holdback parents. An older boy beats up your younger son. You go to the parents and ask,why doesn't your boy pick on someone his own age? The parents respond, our son got his [lacrosse] kicked by kids his own age, so we told him to beat up younger boys, that way he feels better and most importantly, so do we. You're ok with that response right?

here's a narrative for the real world, you have a Sophomore in High School that is a good lacrosse player and good student, but to better his lot in life you decide to have him PG a year after HS to help him get recruited to play lacrosse in college, now to be on the same playing field with a lot of kids from south of Long Island who repeated 8th grade he decides to play summer lacrosse as a 9th grader so he will play with against kids that he is now competing with to be recruited and it works, he gets recruited to an outstanding lacrosse school and great academic university. But he is the real problem he will face.....he must now live with the ridicule of the faceless, nameless anonymous posters on BOTC I am sure he regrets his decision now that he is looked poorly upon by all the "Harrison Bergeron" nothing heads on this site