RE G8:
Because that's the way the Directors of the G8 Tournament, Carol Rose (YJ) and Tracy Weiner (YJ), the Schoulbergs and Walsh (NJ Steps) want it.

They create a tournament and ban their LI and NJ competition from it, it is called a Monopoly …. the YJ and Steps clubs don't want their competitors to have a chance to attract their players.

Let's face it, the other teams (M&D, Heros, TLC, Skywalkers) might be better in the end of the tournament than the YJ and the Steps teams (at least at the A level), but you are not going to travel to MD to switch to a better team.

If another LI or NJ team were there a parent might realize that their marginal YJ player might just tip the scales on another team… and switch!

It's the Don Starsia methodology… recruit as many of the top players as you can get… you don't need them all of course, and they can't all play (especially the amount of minutes they want to play), but at least your competitors won't get them!