That is an important point!

At some point, if the goal is largely to land a scholarship, you have to watch the ROI. I know I have spent upwards of $10k a year certain years in traveling, team fees, etc across 4 years say 8th-11th grade, this is potentially well over $40k and I know some parents who are pushing closer to $100k lifetime spend. For those parents if they are lucky enough to receive a 25% scholarship on a school with $50/yr net tuition. Then they are $50k in the whole, plus still have $150k in cost to cover via other means.

I somewhat justify the cost as such:

- Father/Son bonding - 30%
- Development of health and fitness habits - 20%
- Learning discipline, perseverance etc - 10%
- General life lessons of a team sport - 10%
- Increased access to top tier institutions - 15%
- Healthy social experience - 5%
- Networking/building long term national relationships - 5%
- Scholarship opps - 5%

Thus arguably I only need to recoup $10k of my $40k in a scholarship to see ROI. Or get a 15% increase in chances of admission to top 20 school. And even without out that we still would have gained 80% value in other very important things. Yes, they can be gained through other less expensive pursuits, but the choosen passion is Lacrosse.

Note: My son ultimately chose an Ivy, so there goes the money :^( :^ )