So sad. Now that there are all these travel and club teams everyone is ready to shelve PAL. How quickly everyone forgets where the travel kids first learned their love of the sport. And for a very small fee of like $100. Would you really pay $2200 so you child could "try" a sport and see if he likes it? Doubtful. PAL is a program based on volunteers and doing something for the greater good of the community. And I think these little 10/11/12 year old "elite" players should play with the less skilled kids. It's a good thing to do to keep a great program running and hopefully it makes them more grounded gentlemen with their egos in check. It's part of what will make them better adults. We should all try to remember where we came from and not be so quick to stick our noses up because we were blessed with a skilled child. And if your child was one of the other kids........