Originally Posted by Anonymous
Unfortunately there are schools that have "weak" lacrosse programs, and most parents here do not wish to offend. I truly believe that if your daughter is in one of these traditionally "weak" Lacrosse schools it is no reflection on her, but more on the district. I personally know girls from these schools that are very talented players and only lack guidance from a talented coach. The districts and unions are to blame for lesser talented coaches being given coaching jobs because of seniority, and because its an easy way for them to make extra money. IMO this is robbing the kids from all sports the opportunity to excel and thrive in a sport that they love. Unfortunately, politics play a large role in High School athletics.

But naming the schools isn't cool at all. Like many of the girls have a choice of where they must attend. And you are right; my daughter does attend a school with a "weaker" program.....thank goodness that she had the guidance to negotiate the recruiting process and landed a good fit in college. Unfortunately; she can and will put up numbers that anywhere else in the country will get her All-State at the least; but won't get any recognition here.
Congratulations to your daughter for the hard work and dedication in achieving her goal, I am sure she is a good girl and deserves all the accolades she does not receive. With that being said, weaker schools are out there, and just like it's not your fault, it's not ours either. To say that West Islip will not crush Brentwood because Bentwood is weak isn't said in a bad way towards the girls. and quite frankly, almost every town has P.A.L. teams and middle school teams. Now at the P.A.L. level you don't have much choice, but in middle school you do have a voice, if you choose not to use that voice and go to the administration and demand better coaches for your girls then you will never get better trained girls for your varsity teams. Have you gone back , after your daughter left middle school to help change the coaches or do you have the "my daughter is done, it's not my problem anymore" attitude, because if you do than its your fault the program is weak. Remember the schools work for us, we don't work for them