"Keep repeating that to yourself and at some point you will believe it. Chaminade and St A along with the other Catholics provide a better environment to succeed in school. Keep your baggy a$$ pants and simple class subjects in public school."

Obviously you didn't take the time to investigate what your local public high school offers - or you live in a town that doesn't have a sufficient tax base to support a strong public academic program.

I had sons in both environments so am able to compare. For u, the difference between Chaminade or other catholic schools is mostly cultural. The academics in the honors/AP classes at the public high school rival, and in most cases (AP) surpass what Chaminade offers. On the other hand, the lack of freedom to be an individual and the very strong alumni base at Chaminade far surpasses that of our local HS.

Did my son who went to the public HS, where baggy pants - no. But he did like the option of jeans and sweat pants. More importantly, he liked and took advantage of 8 AP classes, something he couldn't get at Chaminade - they don't offer any. Is the lax program better at Chaminade than what we have locally - no question, not even a debate. But for him, the strong academic offerings at the public school won over when deciding between the two schools. And, he did great with public HS and club lax and is now happy playing in college and getting an excellent education at a great academic institution.

To each his own, just know your kid and do your research.