“ You people are so pathetic and so uneducated about the lacrosse world it makes me cringe.

They are fine. There are literally 15 other teams on Long Island that are not as good as them. And chances are pretty high that the parents and players on that team are just fine with where they stand on the island and across the nation. Worry about your own kids and stop trying to define “good.”

And of course the best 3-5 teams are barely cracking the top 50. Long Island is watered down, young, and have no fly ins at this age. Go to the 2028 Maryland board and read about the kids who fly in every single weekend from other states to compete in the HOCO league. Or hear them debate whether the hawks or the crabs have more holdbacks. Or maybe have your kids fill you in on the “incoming” freshman class at Brunswick. Then come back on here and explain how more than 1-2 teams locally could possibly compete with the top 50 at this age. 100% impossible. It’s beyond laughable that you people can’t comprehend these things.”

Spot on, except Express chucks fly kids in. Fact.
CoachC is cutthroat.