No dog in the fight at elite but closely watching. One thing is clear and has been mentioned above. You can’t survive in elite without an elite faceoff specialist and elite goalie. You can survive with those two positions filled with elite players but will struggle to make it to the top without the rest. It seems the top of the division has that covered plus more. But on the bottom side I’m not sure switching just two guys from one team to another wouldn’t make a bottom of the pack team at least competitive for the forth spot. I watched team money for a half yesterday not win a faceoff and the goalie did not stop a shot on goal. According to kids on my son’s team they have not had their faceoff specialist since the hawks game due to injury and are missing a mid fielder who apparently is a key player. I was more surprised to see they did not do better against madlax. The Hawks will win the division but crabs not make it an easy win. I think it will come down to possessions and pre game planning.