Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Easy to say the top (non/national) teams are in tiers:

Leading Edge

91 Venom
Rhino ATL

Express North
Texas Nationals (not a real national team)

National teams:
Red Hots
MADdog National
Sweetlax Navy
Boston's Phinest/JM3

Hold on a minute?! Is the Maryland-Lax-Dad-Official-Rankings Back?

This is a solid list that hard's to argue with with just a couple modifications. First, BBL is tier three and Express North is tier two. Second, I think that you meant FCA Upstate Navy ... Not Sweetlax Upstate. Friendly amendments accepted?

Possibly. No Algorithms.

Non National Team Rankings-Top 10

1. 2Way
2. Hawks
3. 3DNE
4. Leading Edge
5. Rhino ATL
6. 91 Venom
7. FCA Blue
8. BBL
9. Freedom
10. Express North

Fun Fact- 2Way and the Hawks have never played. Maybe this will be the year. Anyone with knowledge of 2Ways summer plans? Outside of Rhino, (is Thunder the same team?!) the Hawks have beaten every single other top 10 squad in the past 18 months.

3DNE could easily end up on top of this list. Expect a Hawks v LE rematch this summer at point also. I'd expect ALL of these teams to be competing at the end of the big tourneys this summer. Easily 60-70 of the top 100 players at this age group come from these teams.

I'd rank the remaining DMV teams:

1. DC Express
2. Crabs
3. Next Level
4. Madlax
5. 91 MD
These remaining DMV area teams should all be in the Top 25 teams when added up.

National team rankings:
1. Red Hots National
2. Bostons Phinest/JM3
3. Mad Dog National
4. WCS
5. Sweetlax Navy

2-5 here are really
Interchangeable from tourney to tourney

Very fair top 10. Only question mark I have is Rhino. My understanding was that they were an all star team from the ATL area pulling from multiple clubs (3D GA, 91, etc). If that's the case, they may belong in the same category as Boston's Phinest? Not trashing Rhino or anyone else, just curious.