Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Anonymous
How do you know if it is a yellow jacket parent etc. who is actually posting these things or not.If you think their leader C.R. actually sent out an order for YJ parents etc. to not post on this or any forum you are an idiot.
BOTC has done an all-time record 12-hour visitation rate and 24-hour page serve rate since Sunday evening. There is no other news source dedicated to collecting and disseminating youth news on a 7x24 basis like BOTC. There is no other community dedicated to a frank discussion of local issues.

Now, we can tell you that attendance was taken at 8:54pm on Sunday night 4:39pm on Monday afternoon here B-OTC and the usual folks checked-in as they do on most days.

Well it looks like the CR vs. LM steel cage match has cooled off, entertaining while it lasted. Doesn't seem possible that there are 10,000 views per day for this thread, but I guess in the wake of the show down, everyone still wants to see if anything is being said. Not too much fun to watch when only one side of the matchup is allowed to wrestle. Time to go back to the boys threads, they are even more entertaining than the girls.

I have not gone anywhere, nor regrettably have I heard from CR's attorney, if you are interested. As far as a "Steal Cage" matchup, I never saw it that way. It really isn't a fair fight. CR is at a huge disadvantage with me simply because I am well within my rights to opine, and satirize, and I also have no connection to her in any way where she can unleash her wrath on me.

Now, do I have any bullets left in my gun (metaphorically speaking?) You betcha' I do. CR is very wise to not take me on. While I am disappointed, should Ms. Rose's negative behavior get posted on BOTC, and should I feel that she is being bitchy to any young lady, I can and I will deal with her.

CR needs to ponder this when dealing with me...Fair Fight is an oxymoron.