Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
While the approach taken by STX seems incredibly self serving I appreciate the data turned over. I don't appreciate the fact that NOCSAE seems to have zero liability in this situation despite being the SOLE regulator of helmet safety. It's also quite disturbing that although NOCSAE apparently does minimal if any field testing or actual inspecting yet receives millions in royalties for their certification and safety seal. The single entity that needs to be investigated and possibly replaced is NOCSAE. Our kids have been playing with these allegedly dangerous helmets for over 18 months, all the while bearing the NOCSAE seal. Disgusting!! Why is there not more outrage pointed squarely at NOCSAE. We should all be calling for resignations and certification responsibility changes moving forward to an organization that is involved and thorough. Thoughts?

Sounds like the sound argument you are making leads us to (gulp) a Federal oversight agency for sports equipment safety. Maybe this falls into the arms of OSHA. While I am never a supporter of more government, here is an instance of a crying need for truly independent safety commission and not an industry funded self regulatory body.

Federal inclusion is certainly not the solution. They can't even regulate themselves. Lol. I think there should be more than one acceptable safety seal to keep them honest with US Lacrosse being the over sight failsafe. After all we all pay membership fees to belong. Our players safety should be their paramount concern. I agree NOCSAE must go to be replaced by a couple of safety management companies to be over seen by US Lacrosse. Ultimately they are the governing body right?