Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hilarious that some TG losers are in here bashing CR on the college placements of her players when just about everyone of them are going to a school better than Hofstra . Please tell me the fantastic career choices your super academic daughters have picked . Also please tell me the schools that these 100 average kids have picked that are beneath them , you can't because CR does not pressure anyone to go to certain schools .She may have a better relationship with some coaches than others .

unless you have a child who is a Blue chip player that got pressured to go to a particular school, stop posting second hand bull [lacrosse]! I have never heard any Blue Chip kid being pressured by CR! I know a lot of them personally including my own! It doesn't happen! In fact she I very careful not to influence the kids! Contrary to what all you TG people think, She is not a monster! She is actually a very nice women! The kids love her! Even some of the TG kids! Give it a rest!
You don't know cr or anything about her if you don't think that she pressures her blue chip players to go to certain schools