Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
When HS careers end, and these girls go off to a very impressive list of colleges...where are they after college? Have they been able to utilize their college experience to position themselves for a successful career?
With all the emphasis on lacrosse, is there time for academics?
Where have the past 6-12 years worth of early commitments ended up in the real world?

Many have substitute teaching jobs as they look for fulltime employment and do coaching and training for travel programs. The rest get regular jobs like everyone else and won't play again until they coach their daughters PAL team

First, I have been hearing of several kids who have left the colleges that lacrosse got them into. Not always wise to push them into a situation where they will be in above their heads.
Second, I played in college, division 3, was a great experience, lacrosse did not get me into my college, and I was able to have a well balanced college experience.
Third, it has been many years since college, and I can assure you no one asks me on a regular basis if I played lacrosse in college, nor is it something I go around talking about.
Like the poster above said, lacrosse is only in my life now because I coach my children's teams. Make sure it is what your child wants, and it is only a part of her college experience, not the thing that will dictate their 4 years. Again, even Division 1 will not parlay into a lucrative career for 99.9 percent of people.