Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]Does anyone know why Bert is not coaching the 2019's anymore? Who is Mitchell and what does this mean for that team?

Mitchell is another daddy/uncle coach from (wait for it . . .) Mt. Sinai.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Bert is teaming up with Rotanz to start a girls side of Rotanz's Empire Lacrosse. They are going to call it Long Island Legends.

Just Kidding..... Could it be he is stepping back to care of some othropeic health issues???
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Does anyone know why Bert is not coaching the 2019's anymore? Who is Mitchell and what does this mean for that team?
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Does anyone know why Bert is not coaching the 2019's anymore? Who is Mitchell and what does this mean for that team?

My daughter played for Pete Mitchell, Consider yourself very lucky. He may be the best coach YJ has! His practices are very well run and the girls learn a lot. He also will practice more than anyone, so you will definitely get your moneys worth! My daughter loved playing for him and he treated her and all the girls great! [/quote

Mitchell is great-Manning on the other hand...hopefully Pete who actually knows lacrosse will take control of this team.

what about the tg daddy?