Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Powderfinger
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Your crazy, I.M has been s staple on that team causing havoc to goalies down low, even when M.B. was there. C.Q. is a ball hog that takes poor shots when she should pass instead, probably why D.G. wouldn't play her. In the end , if she was half as good as you say S.A. would have done more last year. She is not even in the same league as L.R., S.P. or even E.B. from the same team, and all 4 are better than S.A.

This response shows that you are clueless and seem to have a bit of a grudge against SA... Sad, but it is your opinion.
A grudge against St.A , I'm the one saying two of the best players on L.I. is I.M. and E.B. Both better than C.Q and S.A. and I further think that C.C. and C.B. both from S.H.A. are better than C.Q. and S.A. Neither tried out for school girls (or U-19 by default) so none of you lax aficionados probably even know who they are but should be very heavily considered

So two of the best players, in your opinion, play for the catholics and didn't try out for a team where the best competition on LI was playing???... tough to make a case for how good they are...

I know nothing about the St. A's players, but yes, not all girls want to get involved with the uber-political Schoolgirls. Those girls are not the only ones who skipped that.

Then one might question whether it was because of politics or perhaps the fear of truly challenging themselves against an "uber" competive field of players. This as opposed to the small pond of catholics girls lax players they currently compete against...
Maybe the catholic school girls just have a better self image (along with the parents) and don't feel the need to prove themselves to the likes of you