Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This was definitely a back room deal, Power move by CR to offer a coaching position to TG dad who coached at the town level some of the top players on TG 2020.

A coordinated attempt to weaken the 2020 and the 2019 TG Black team.In my opinion especially the 2020 Black. Take the dad and about 6 of the best kids on the team.

Great business play not sure if it worked as planned.

At the end of the day it looks like CR succeeded in luring and securing some of the very top players from 2019, 2020, 2021. TG is weakened in all those age groups and YJ got stronger. All the age groups YJ was already stronger going into the off season, except 2020. Don't think TG is going to stay on top in that age group either with all the massive losses there.

It will be closer but 2020 TG still has the kid that the whole team depended on, the kids that left will not make much of a difference nor will the other kids that stayed. 2 years from now its game over in my opinion because 1 kid very rarely dominates a game once the defenses get better and the sizes of the girls evens out a little as they go thru puberty.Even with less kids on that TG 2020 team there is only 1 ball and the kids that do not like to share it are still on TG.

Are you implying that the YJ's share the ball???? Give Me A Break!!!Close some down and they back out reset, reset, reset, reset, shoot!