Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Agree 100%, travel to MD to play one of our sister teams and pay the $2000 entrance fee? Parents get all riled up on the sidelines and then are asked to play nice with each other when they move some girls together the following year at tryouts. They should never play each other at tournaments unless in the finals

We traveled to Denver to play our own teams-wouldn't trade that experience for the world!

But most of the real clubs (MD and Va teams) weren't there. So essentially yu guys are Long Island Champs.

Show up or shut up. This tournament is run by the governing body of lacrosse nationally. Why not participate? If you do not show, your opinion is without merit. Come play and let the score do the talking otherwise it just rings hollow. This tourney is also age based and not grad. year so perhaps that is the real reason those teams stay away. It cannot be money or the travel, these programs have/do both for other events. It also supports growing the game around the country which is the best reason to go and support the cause.

We don't have to…..LOL More of our girls get recruited to Div. 1 programs because we are the hotbed for lacrosse. Isn't that the goal of the club lacrosse scene, to get recruited. Yet your director chose to ignore a major recruiting event how many of your girls missed out???? They could of been seen, but your director took you guys to Colorado, with few college coaches. You have good players but more of our girls play college lacrosse at a higher level than yours does. The only reason you traveled to Colorado was so your director could win and use it as a marketing tool o bring more girls into her program. You New Yorkers are notoriously Fair Weather fans, parents are probably flocking to her tryouts since she won, "Gold, Silver and Bronze" with out playing a mid-atlantic team. Joke
More of your girls get recruited to D1 schools? Lets look at the numbers as provided by lax Power.
2015 age group
Maryland 142
Virginia 49
total 191
all of N.Y. 186
Granted the total number of the 2 combined states exceeds the total of N.Y. but lets be real we're even if nothing els

You do realize there are 20 million people in NY and 6 million people in MD? But why let facts skew LI confused reality.