Something has to be done about the coaching at the younger ages at the Yellow Jackets. Or maybe it's the parents influencing their daughters to play dirty? The issue isn't so much with the top team. They are very talented and generally don't need to resort to dirty play because they move well and get in good defensive position. The problems start as soon as you get to the "B" team. The coaches/parents want them to play the same swarming, aggressive defense that the top team plays and that they see in college and better high school games. And yet they aren't talented enough to execute it. So what happens? Brutal cross-checks, swinging sticks, tripping, body checking etc. To be fair, it's not just the Yellow Jackets. Same thing with Top Guns. However, you don't see it with the Maryland youth teams, or anywhere else, generally speaking. Please teach these less talented girls how to play correctly. You are doing them a disservice and definitely doing the girls they play a disservice.