Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Great insight about blue players and their parents. Selfish all around. The pulling back and resetting without even a look to their teammates happens all the time and then when they do pass they usually have 1 friend they will pass to. Once they get the ball you can stop running because it is never going to get passed back. They are shooting for the 7th grade call up to varsity, the 9th grade commitment to college and to be the scoring leader in newsday beating up on weak teams by scoring 10 a game. SELFISH!!

Like it or not, the extreme selfish play started when travel really took off. Now everything is about call ups, letters of intent and scholarships. Its a business for the travel owners (I think someone on the topgun thread estimated $300-500k per year) And its also a business for the parents who are looking for a return on their investment which at $2,000 - $3,000 per year is sizable when you start in 1st grade!

Return on investment? I have seen so many references to this on this thread. What a pathetic way to view what is supposed to be a fun and enriching experience for our daughters. You people treat them almost like they are horses to be bred and trained for a profit. In fact I have heard exactly that from one father on the sidelines. Thought he was joking at first. He wasn't. Not to mention the fact that in just about every instance, the so called ROI is negative.

Please, please, please let the girls enjoy this great sport. Let them play because they love it, not because they are supposed to get mom and dad a return on their "investment". Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, is it about me or is it about my daughter? Hope fully the right answer will be staring you in the face.

None of the 1st and 2nd grade girls chose to play travel lacrosse, their parents wanted it first. Most of the kids now love it but don't fool yourself into thinking that most travel mommies and daddies don't want that big $5,000 per year athletic scholarship lol. Daddy wants that ROI and to brag on Mondays at work at how he was in Maryland over the weekend playing in a college showcase for 3rd graders (against 3 other LI teams).