Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
For now..... Wait until Thorn schools everybody in how to get the best out of her girls. Look at what she's done for us at ESM over the past few years.

Agreed 100%. Skakandi had choked in big games with CSH.

Thorn might be an excellent coach, I have no experience with her but the results so far do not support your comments. I will take Skakandi any day and that is in support of her as a coach, not a shot at Thorn. The first game between these teams would have been a 20+ goal differential if not for the sportsmanship showed by a fellow member of the same club. Again, not taking shots at the kids or the coach, just supporting Skakandi as you attempted to tear her down.

Coaching a blue team and winning certainly does not make someone a good coach. Put all the top talent on one team and its hard for a coach to screw up. A good coach on the other hand can take second team players, coach em up and in time produce a better team that actually plays like a team, without girls who hold on to the ball dodging, pulling back re setting, redodging and going to goal yet again. You can have multiple strong players on the field who can all take it to the cage, and you will win some games like that for now, but as they get older that style of play will disappear especially against better teams who can play defense.Down the road bad coaches get exposed.

Agreed, but the point was take it easy on coach Skakandi, she does a great job. Why does Thorn have to be the best coach in the world just because your daughter is on the team? Trying to justify the second team is the place to be because they will get better coaching and will beat the blue team any day now is demeaning to everyone associated with the other team.

second team is the place to be because they wish their daughter was on the blue team.