Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The driving force starting with 2020 to put teams together at such a young age has been driven by F&F. As she has expanded to younger and younger ages the initial teams have used lots of F&F to get it started. Would I know there was a new younger team starting if it was my first kid starting lacrosse, probably not. Everyone knew because siblings played in the older age groups and if you get in early you have a better shot of holding blue than earning it at a later date especially if you are a twitter follower, go to the luncheon, do the clinics, winter league and personal training.

Maybe the younger siblings join early because most likely they will be at those fields anyway so why not play. Maybe those young ones join because they idolize some of the older kids and want to be like them.Maybe they just like playing lacrosse and hanging out with kids their age at these tournaments. Please tell us because you know whats best for our kids and all of our reasons for having a kid play lax what age is the correct age for every kid to start playing travel.F and F only applies to TG coaches as far as I see. How many college boys are going to coach at TG , I hear they are bringing hammocks so they will be more comfortable during the games.

Your colors shine through with every post you write.
This well discussed topic is not a YJ vs TG fight as you always try to make it. You said maybe.......(readers can review your post themselves). To those points I say maybe your right. However maybe (most likely) many parents place their kids out of fear as several posters already eluded to.
Now if you want to beat the perverbial YJ vs TG battle to death you can be my guest but most people want to discuss the actual issues and maybe she'd some light on the injustices that have and continue to take place. Since this is the YJ thread these discussions are more than appropriate and frankly way over due.

"you're", "proverbial", "alluded", "shed"....you're welcome

Great contribution to the discussion. Posted by someone with absolutely nothing to contribute. Pathetic

Maybe just read what you wrote before you click Submit and you won't feel so stupid when someone points out your embarrassingly limited grasp on the English language.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

Mark Twain

The fool here is you. BTW it's "grasp OF the language" you dope. Hahaha you are so stupid trying to be an English professor. Time to go back to work at Poop Be Gone. Lol