Your colors shine through with every post you write.
This well discussed topic is not a YJ vs TG fight as you always try to make it. You said maybe.......(readers can review your post themselves). To those points I say maybe your right. However maybe (most likely) many parents place their kids out of fear as several posters already eluded to.
Now if you want to beat the perverbial YJ vs TG battle to death you can be my guest but most people want to discuss the actual issues and maybe she'd some light on the injustices that have and continue to take place. Since this is the YJ thread these discussions are more than appropriate and frankly way over due.

Talk about colors shining thru , you are obviously anti YJ everything. I use "maybe" because I do not presume to know any other parents motivation to have their child play travel in that only a self righteous loser with an axe to grind would do so.You talk about discussing actual issues but you talk about nonsense,"injustices" , thanks drama queen. Feel free to deny you are a TG parent who feels your daughter should have made a team she did not and blame CR for it, its so obvious.If your daughter does not play YJ why do you care so much.