If you look closer you will notice that although there were 5 YJ teams playing in the 2021 bracket 2 of those teams were playing up and were 100 percent 2022. In addition their top team lost one game 5-3 to the tournament winner M&D. If that's considered domination you're entitled to your opinion.

the fact that parents are scared into putting their child into a program at that young an age for fear of not secuting a spot on the "A" team speaks volumes - there's absolutely no reason for that age group to be at any tournament, there are no teams that age - money grab! Elevate seems to be cathing on to that business model as well - get them young before they have a chance to know any better. Don't you think that there's a reason no other clubs have age groups that young?

Respectfully, I am not sure why you are upset. The club does not promote or force anyone to join in 4th grade. As for YJ 2021, the team started last year as 4th graders and this year 5 new girls are on the team, a 20% change. If your child is not ready yet, that is fine, but why run down the families with kids that are ready? The majority of youth activities have competitions at this age (soccer, basketball, cheer, dance,volleyball and the list goes on) and as long as the kids are having fun, making friends and learning the game, why give folks a hard time? The lack of 2022 teams for this iteration of 4th graders is based on demand. Some teams have it and others do not. YJ does because they are the biggest program and siblings alone drive the demand.