Here is a little food for thought for all you new parents to the travel lacrosse scene. You join the Jackets because they are "the best" travel club on long Island, and that is very true for the first team in any age group. You all get caught up in the politics of who is the best team, club, director,which club is making more money, who wins more championships at tournament, and call parents and players from other clubs names. We all do, but here is the truth when it comes to the end.

As a parent of a "rival" club in an older age group, let me say this to the '19,'20,'21 year parents, you might think your daughter is the best, but there is a whole lot of growing and lacrosse to go and the teams and clubs you think are "B" clubs with lesser players will soon catch and eclipse your daughters.

I read on this very thread how liberty was a "B" club in comparison to the Jackets, and that might be true in your year. but here s a simple question for you. What long Island team won the State tournament this year? Thats right that "B" level director with her "B" level girls. Oh and by the way it took that "B" level director 11 less years than your guru to achieve. So who is really better at cultivating talent, the director that molds and teaches her girls over an extended time, or the one that cherry picks the best girls from all over because she can't do it herself ? Time will tell who is better for our daughters.