Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The evaluators are high school coaches. Most of them do not run camps. The YJ program hires these coaches for summer jobs. The Suffolk coaches never see the Nassau girls play and visa versa. If you think your player is that "famous" that everyone in the lax world knows her, you need to wake up!

So w your theory the selection process is fair in that most of the kids are not known by the evaluators prior to the tryout

You are so wrong ask Larry to find out what High School coaches were the evaluators and then find out how many kids from the schools they coach on are on the rosters! You will be amazed how slanted they really are. I hope Larry has those kind of resources.

Stop w the conspiracy theories already, asked my kid said she knew who several of the evaluators were but did not seem any school or club was overly represented . All high school coaches can apply to be evaluators you should ask your high school coach if they applied.