Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Interesting that they have the tryouts so early , it seems TG take this tournament very seriously considering its just for one tournament that this team will play together. I assume that they have practices etc. My older daughter did the U15 tournament a few years ago with another club and they just sort of slapped a team together and had one or maybe two practices. I wonder if the tournament being in Colorado this year will make any difference in terms of the teams that go.

It seems to be one of the top sought after championships. TGs puts a special team together and sends them 1000 miles or more away to play. YJs puts two teams together to try and win it. Nearly all the other summer club championship tournaments are local money making deals, this one I'm sure makes it's money but is sponsored by a much bigger and nationally recognized organization.

Why doesn't Top Guns put in 2 teams if they have the talent?