Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
As a disinterested parent from Maryland with a daughter who plays on one of the top 2016 clubs, I can say, unequivocally, the 2016 YJs is BY FAR, the best team in the country. No offense to the TGs but your 2016 team is just OK. Thought I would share that....now get back to ridiculing each other and arguing over the athletic exploits of 15 year old girls. Stay classy LI!
That Cabell Maddux is a Maryland coach running a dysfunctional Maryland program. Real classy MD.......lol
What in goodness sakes does Cabell Maddux have to do with a Maryland poster on the girls side asserting that the 2016 Yellow Jackets are a top flight team?

It's a ridiculous comment to mirror the MD posters ridiculous "classy" comment. Ill explain.
Discussing girls club lax doesn't make LI classless as much as Cabell Maddux doesn't make MD classless. That's all