Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You are an idiot. Many reasons to ask if your kid could move down a team. Maybe your daughter is not playing the position she loves, doesn't like the coach, doesn't like the kids or she wants to play more. By moving her down, there are more opportunities available to her. There is no entitlement involved. Good parents do what is best for their kids.

Excellent answer , or just move to TG where you can not only pick what team you get to play on but what age you get to play at. "Sorry but my kid is a superstar and will only play w older kids because the kids her age are terrible."
isn't that what a 2015 Y.J. goalie did. Poor thing has to play her age this year

Thats right. That YJ goalie played UP her whole travel life. Goalies usually do in MS and HS but on travel they should play age appropriate.