Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Touching on a couple of YJ topics that were brought up the last couple of days:
1. Anyone that thinks that politics does not/ will not play a part in the decision making process when mking these teams is a bit naive. It happens in all levels of society. Get used to it. Town connections are just a part of it. How about the favoritism of girls that have older siblings on top teams in the program? Does CR want to upset the apple cart? How about a coach that individually trains nearly half her summer players on the side? If one of those girls are not up to snuff, do you cut her and risk putting tax-free $$ in your pocket? Probably not.
2. As for 6 teams in an age group, who should care except those on those teams. There seems to be a huge market for girls' lax on Long Island and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. Seems new clubs are sprouting up all over the place.

I don't buy it, give us the names of the towns with the connections so when rosters are made we can see if you are correct. Also the sibling thing is complete bs, there are many siblings on different level teams , may actually be more siblings on different level teams than same level teams.That being said I would expect that young kids with siblings who are top level players have a better chance at being top level players themselves , genetics, starting earlier , access to a good role model etc. The politics excuse is used way to often by parents of kids who think little Susie is better than she is.
For the first question , for sure Mt. Sinai, as for the second , usually the detractors are the ones that have there little Susie benefit from politics and butt kissing

With all the townies, siblings, butt kissers, relatives and political appointees that apparently clog these rosters, it's amazing how many games they manage to win.

They have the formula figured out, each team cam support about 6 of the politically connected types. Unfortunately 95percent of teams at tournaments are not competitive (against real blue) so these players sub in and out of games unnoticed, then they sit the bench on the tight games.
True That