Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]Will she go to 6 teams in any age group this year? 2020's seem like the likely group who counted heads at tryouts?

Roughly 160 girls

Why would anyone want to play on a 6th team in an age group? At that point what type of coaching and attention are you getting from the program? DO they just take everyone regrdless of skill level? What tournaments does a 5th or 6th team go to and who do they compete with/against? Sounds like you would just be making teams for the sake of having more teams?


I totally understand it on the YJ end, of course, the more the merrier. The question is, what are the players getting on the 6th team? Who is coaching you? what kind of attention are you getting at that point? Do they even remember to register you for a tournament? How is the communication between the club and the 6th 2019 team? I just wonder what the attraction is at that point.