Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Frankly Cage, I am shocked that you would ask me to post identifying information for a child. Clearly her name is linked to this school on the YJ website and I would rather that not everyone who trolls this site know our financial details. Suffice it to say that the school has a 97% acceptance rate for their grads into med and law school, are in the top 5 of graduation rate for their athletes and have a two-part SAT requirement in the mid 1200s. If you would like to go through the task of triangulating that information to figure it out, go right ahead. My point was to say that there is athletic money out there and it is not only for lower-tiered institutions. That's all. No need to have a totally nasty response to my original post.
Frankly Poster, I am shocked that you would advertise information about your family's financial situation without offering to back up your facts with the school name.

If your child and her school are on another web site, she has already been identified. Actually, what shocks you is that BOTC caught you with your hand in the cookie-jar bragging about the details and now you want to back way from the limelight.

We said that your post meant nothing. BOTC stands by that view. Put it this way : what exactly is another parent or student-athlete to do with your information? BOTC walks away with the impression that academics are more important than athletics which is the message that we have been stressing to the community over and over again.

Posters are quick to offer the "full-ride evidence" until they are asked to identify the school. Only then do the privacy bars get installed - after the bragging is completed, of course.

The problem we have in youth sports is that parents include academic, grant, and financial aid information in their "full-ride" description, giving the impression that athletics were the key to the scholarship. This might serve the purpose of the clubs, but does not serve the community well.

Good comments.

A YJ parent, a good friend, showed me the breakdown for their daughter's financial package for the U of MI. The lacrosse portion was almost 10% of the aid; the balance was academic, financial assistance based on parent income and the balance was a loan. A good portion of the tuition was paid, but overall the athletic scholarship was 6-7% of the total.