Originally Posted by Anonymous
The Titans are a mess. No question. But doubtful they will recruit from within unless there is a really strong player on the Warriors, which isn't the case. 91 will recruit outside and think it's safe to say, that the Titans won't look remotely the same year over year. There will be a massive facelift for this team, it will not continue in this form as it is unacceptable.

I would agree with this statement. However there is a dad coach or 2 that have kids with no business being on the team. This will deter people from coming over. They will have a hard time recruiting kids from other teams unless they get a lot better. If they don’t then they will start pulling out of state studs from Florida, NC etc in 7th grade. So yes they will be very good eventually. The question is will it be from Long Island players or out of state kids who fly up for tournaments