Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
To the guy(s) responding to that parent. He's bitter his kid didn't get put on the black team. There's nothing you can say to make him change his mind about how awful the event and programs are now. This is not worth your time.

That’s always the comeback. You are just mad your kid got cut. I actually didn’t even have my daughter try out. Why? Because I spent almost 800 bucks on a similar type event for my son in 7th grade. He was even selected to the “all star game “ After going through the recruiting process with him I now realize it was a waste of money. All his college coach cared about was his current film (10th and 11th) and most importantly his grades. If my son would have sent him video of his 7th grade performance his college coach probably would have laughed.

Like I said before I have no issue with people who decide to do these events. My issue was with the original poster who said it was putting her kids in front of the right people in 7th grade and “building her resume” She also said it was having an impact on her high school coaches decisions to play her kid. Both are absurd statements.

No desire to go back and read this thread but didn’t this guy say his kid made red not black and he declined?