Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You’re over thinking this, at least for the 29s. A few years back Crabs and 91 failed spectacularly with this age group, and have not yet recovered. Things remain in flux in the area and probably will at least through the summer. Great for whoever pulls the best team together … but it sure as heck won’t be True Baltimore!
Any kid that wants to play Elite and actually wants to win games and not just be in Elite will need to find a team south of Balty to play on. Only time I see that changing is in high school when kids of other places come to board at private schools.

Top Baltimore kids need to coalesce on a single team in order to compete with TC, Hawks, NL and ML.

FCA appears to be the closest to that level of play.
I agree with this. FCA had a rough fall though. Not sure what happened.