Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
ML 2024s, 2026s, and 2028s all collapsed. 2023s didnt count because they were part of ML in name only...and it's why they stayed together and dominated. Therefore, the safe bet is that a sizeable portion of the 2029s will all head for greener pastures next year. There is already a lot of talk about it, fwiw.

Makes me wonder if this happens do the rich get richer with ML guys (Hawks, NL, TC) and does this dilute the DMV region even more. Or some new DMV team gets created?
Maybe both?
DC Express starts in 8th grade. They will clean up.

Been pretty disappointing.

How has it been disappointing? People want something new before HS and DC Express is an answer. Not saying everyone wants a change, but it does give another option.

DC Exp has been mostly Bethesda and their last couple years results is not elite level. Express is meant to be an elite level club and it's not.

2021: #1 in the nation
2022: #1 in the nation
2025: #5 in the nation
2026: #8 in the nation
2028: #18 in the nation after 2 month of existence

Where’s Madlax?? Haaaaa. You’re a clown.

Back to 2029.

Looks like someone got their facts wrong and didnt make ML at one time. Being envious is not a good trait. Now who is the Clown