Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So many are on here complaining about injuries. Questions -- are any of these girls working out outside of team practices? There are workouts to help prevent injuries. Just curious.
They don't have time for training between club soccer, club field hockey, travel basketball, and pickleball.

Most common injury is stress fracture which is driven by load 90 percent of the time and completely avoidable.

Speed and agility work can reduce ACL injuries and doesn’t impact injuries driven by workload.

Also remember, many of these girls have started to really lift in the last 12 months and are putting on muscle. While it helps them at sport, it is more stress for the joints to support

If this is the case, how do NFL players suffer these non contact injuries? I get out of shape people doing anything active can lead to injury I am just not sure how speed and agility training reduces ACL. Obviously flexibility and streching helps prevent soft issue.

Hard for me to think an Izzy Scane suffered her ACL because she didn't do enough agility work.

A few things about ACL tears and other ligament injuries

1) Biggest factor in genetics. Everyone is at risk but some kids are genetically predeposed to ligament injuries

2) Body mass and change in body mass is second biggest factor. The reason you see so many ACL injuries in skill position players in the NFL and high level D1 is knee ligaments aren't designed to support that type of weight moving at speed. For girls lax, a change in mass is a big deal too. Knees need time to adapt. This is way you see lots of injuries right after girls put on weight due to puberty, beginning of lifting program, other reasons...

3) Agility work is important on teaching good technique. It wont prevent injury but definitely reducing it. You dont need a complicated ACL prep class either; anything with plyometrics or change in direction/level will help.