Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
...to justify your holdback playing youth sports outside of school....
Oh so you have your own set of "goal posts" or is it "excuses."

How do you sleep at night knowing your kid is taking advantage of younger kids in school sports. Wow, I can't believe it. I thought you were one of the true heros out there. Turns out you are just like the rest of them, taking advantage of the system when it suits you.

I see reading comprehension was not your thing in school.

FIFY , How do you sleep at night knowing your kid is playing against older kids in school sports.
I think you both are on to something. Why aren't we splitting kids up by birth-month so everyone is generally the same exact age.

If only there was a place to bet here. It is a sure thing that you are a holdback parent. Better yet Ms Holdback, put it at some cutoff month that lets all the holdbacks like your son play with schoolmates and also let anyone play down that wants to at that cutoff month regardless if they are a holdback or want to play down and next grade up. I can hear the holdback parents now, why is he allowed, he isnt in our grade ! LOL.