Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
My son is in the middle of it right now and i can say every situation is different and you need to be ready for everything. I know a 2015 and a 2013 that signed with Cornell that only played town team summer ball, both played for good high school programs and both had HS coaches that worked hard for them so they did not need "Elite Travel" that worked for them. I know a few kids that all the calls are going through an Express coach and I know others that all the calls went through the HS coach. Individual camps are the place to be found if you are not on the radar yet and making the all star game will put you on a lot of radar screens but if you are on the board they will come and see you whether it is with your elite summer team of your HS summer team and they may like a teammate better then the kid they came to see play. Play as much as you can in front of as many coaches as you can and play well when they come to see you play but there is no right and wrong it is part luck and part perseverance. In my own son's case he had a list of ten schools that he e-mailed from the beginning of last summer he is now down to three schools and only one was on the original list, the other two found him, so in our case all the e-mailing and sending highlight film was a waist of time, for others it might have been the most important thing so you never know

appreciate your insight but you sound like running for office!! "I did this, but you should try that! " Give me a break. Get a backbone. Don't waste or mislead our time with your opinion if you're not willing to be truthful. Especially about "town players". NO ONE CARES IF YoU PLAY ON TOWN TEAMS. Town teams just don't get the exposure to the TOP coaches from the TOP teams.. But then again, everything is relative. Just saying.
I say PICK YOUR SCHOOLS REALISTICALLY, AKA ACADEMICS. Form your list. From there contact coaches and put on full court press. You're wasting your time if you are approaching schools not in your son's hemisphere academically.

I think you should read the post a little more carefully. The OP prefaces the post with "every situation is different and you need to be ready for everything". How is that lacking backbone? Should he have said "this is what I did so you need to do the same"? Are you looking for a step-by-step recipe? He gave some examples of those different situations. They may or may not have been helpful to you but how were they not truthful?

"Town teams just don't get the exposure to the TOP coaches from the TOP teams." Again, that is not what he said. He said that the players came from a town team but had a strong HS program and coach that worked hard for them, as opposed to an elite club. There are also strong town programs that feed into strong HS programs. Many players (I know of 3) used this path. Again, your mileage may very.

I do agree with you that you need to be realistic about the academics but I also agree with the OP that you need to be aware that there different means to an end and you need to be flexible.

Just saying...

If you are a strong D-1 level athlete it doesn't matter where you go, the coaches will find you.